Balance Method Ba Zi 平衡八字

Ba Zi is birth chart analysis. Traditionally, Chinese medicine and acupuncture assert the profound factor of timing on disease. Whereas Feng Shui addresses and remedies negative aspects within your space and locale, Ba Zi determines when you, or your patients, are susceptible to certain influences during the progression of life. These can be related to the status of your health finances, career, status, education, relationships, spirituality, and more. By calculating and reading the dynamics of your Ba Zi — literally, “eight characters” based on your year, month, day, time, and city of birth — you can find revealing patterns. For instance, you may identify your core strengths and weakness, your easiest months to start a family, your best periods to get returns on investments, your likelihood of creating meaningful partnerships, your chance of pursuing more education, and your probability towards gain or loss of power.

The Si Yuan Balance Method Ba Zi Track is presented as four courses (Ba Zi Level I-IV) consisting of four days each. Graduates of Ba Zi Level I-IV (16 days total) receive a printed document as official recognition of becoming a Certified Si Yuan Balance Method Ba Zi Consultant. They are also qualified and invited to attend special Ba Zi Retreats.

Ba Zi and The Three Essentials

Dr. Richard Tehfu Tan considered Ba Zi one of the “Three Essentials”.

After years of clinical practice, he discovered that many life difficulties and health problems of his patients were rooted in one or more of these key factors : Timing (Ba Zi), Environment (Feng Shui) and People (Relationships).
The perpetual interaction of the Three Essentials is the universal phenomenon which makes our lives so diverse and compelling. The Si Yuan Balance Method Ba Zi Track offers a holistic study of how these underlying connections affect a personʼs life.


How to use Ba Zi analysis to comprehensively help your clients ?

  • Identify your client’s 5 Elements (Wu Xing) constitution to determine :
    • Their core personalities, thinking processes and environmental perceptions.
    • Their weaknesses and strengths in health, talent, and profession.
    • Their way of relating to their family, partner and friends.
  • Unveil your client’s life progression to see:
    • how the flow of time influences every aspect of their lives, when the transition times of their lives take place.
    • Why they are facing particular obstacles.
    • When their major transitions occur.
  • Offer your clients highly personalized counsel via :
    • custom acupuncture/herbal treatments.
    • specific Feng Shui adjustments to balance their environment.
    • informed advice to lead a smoother life:
      • by making crucial decisions at the ideal moment,
      • choosing appropriate career directions.
      • Maximizing outcomes according to current energy,
      • Processing and releasing past trauma
      • Finding the most compatible romantic or business partners.

Why is it such a unique and valuable training ?

  • Inspiring: Open your mind to a profound form of self-knowledge. Learn to lay out an amazingly accurate birth chart using the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches of the Chinese calendar.
  • Fulfilling: Ba Zi is not a fortune-telling game, but rather an art and science based on logic and mathematics. You will be captivated by this intellectually, philosophically, spiritually, and practically fulfilling system.
  • Reliable: This four-level track of courses offers serious and reliable knowledge. Si Yuan transmits the traditional approach of implementing Ba Zi, as received directly from Dr. Tan.
  • Demonstrable: Participants are encouraged to bring their birth information (or that of a relative, child, partner, friend, colleague, etc.) for live analysis and interactive application in class.

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  • Si Yuan Balance Method SARL
    Avenue de-la-Harpe 25
    1007 Lausanne

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    80% refund will be offered if we receive your cancellation at the latest 15 business days before the first day of the seminar you registered to. No refund will be issued after the 15 days' deadline. All refunds are issued in euros or Swiss francs, depending on the available funds of Si Yuan Balance Method SARL. Any bank fees, commissions or exchange rates related to the refund are the responsibility of the customer. Such fees will not be covered by Si Yuan Balance Method SARL.